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Shirt: Ann Taylor Loft, Skirt: F21, Cape: Boris & Natasha, Shoes: Jessica Simpson, Necklace: Carsen MacKenzie, iPad Cover: Mobilexpressions at Target, Watch: Michael Kors |
1. I am sorry if you clicked on over to this blog and expected to see something new and different. Here I am... aaahhh-gain... in my house, wearing a cape, and a skirt, and black tights, with my hair slicked back. Pretty much the same as my last blog post.
2. Behind me is a little reading nook at the top of my staircase. Also known as... random space that was not big enough to make a functional "room" out of, but too big to leave empty. Surprisingly, I actually use this space, as made evident by my iPad hanging out on the ottoman. I read my ass off in this space! BONUS: My chevron iPad cover matches my chevron ottoman. BAZINGA!
3. If you look closely at the second (and sixth) picture here, you'll see something creepy that looks like a really long, kind of crimped chest hair sprouting out of my shirt. I can assure you that it is not a hair growing from my chest. If that were a close up of my chin though, I could not deny it so vehemently. I have this one, weird dark hair that grows out of my chin. I'd like to personally thank my 100% Italian grandmother for passing that down. The good news is that some day I will also lose my sight. At that point it will get long enough to notice and I will be the bearded lady. Hopefully by then though I will also lose whatever ability I have to give a shit. My grandma may have a stray hair here and there, but her "Give-O-Shit Meter" is permanently set a ZERO, so it works out.
Sidebar: Thank you, Stacey and Beanzo for my skull bracelet and this black geometric necklace. They more I see them the more I love them and the fact that they are gifts make then that much more special. Big, sloppy (kind of wet) kisses all around.
Okay your #3 comment totally cracked me up! LOL Give-a-shit-meter...love it!
HAHAHAHA....Suzanne... if you knew my Grandma, you'd see how dead on that portrayal really is!!!