Scarf: Express, Shorts: Old Navy (really old), Tank: Nordstroms, Shoes, Target, Clutch: Aldo, Necklace and Bracelet: Lotus, Ring: Aldo Accessories (I think), Earrings: Sis Style, iPhone Case: Mobilexpressions at Target, Watch: Michael Kors |
I have never worn a scarf on my head. Around my neck? Definitely. As a belt? Yes. Tied one to a purse or suitcase? Sure. But, on my head, as a hairstyle? Nope. Until today (obviously). I went to Target this afternoon and while I was waiting in the checkout line I grabbed one of my favorite fashion magazine's, InStyle. After putting away my target goodies, I sat down on my loveseat and went through it...page by page...reading it...taking it all in...feeding off of it. I love busting open a new magazine and taking the time to really devour it. In this issue, they did an interview with Nicole Richie (whose style I adore). They showcased some of her hair changes throughout the years, and the caption under one picture was a quote from her. It said, "I have two drawers of head scarves in my closet. They are a go-to for me." "Hmmmm", I thought...."head scarves"??? I don't feel like washing my hair today...let me see what I can come up with. So, here it is. My head, with a scarf on it. I like it. I put in a couple of curls at the end (because my hair was jacked up from sleeping on it in a pony tail), but if you didn't feel like doing all of that, a side ponytail or braid would also look cute with a scarf accessory. Hope you all had a great weekend, Mamacitas!
FYI - last time I wore this scarf was in November, in this post
"Cornucopia of Colors"
Love!! My favorite to date!!! You look gorgeous and your outfit rocks. And, of course, loving that scarf on your head! Why does it have to be old?? I want that scarf! :)