
Small Sacrifices

And the award for... "The Most Random Blog Post so far in 2013" goes to..............

I get it, none of this really seems to "go together" at first glance, but if you are inside of my brain, it all makes perfect sense. In these photos I've shared inspirational quotes that I love, an outfit post (albeit a mini, kind of lame one), something I find hilarious... come on, don't act like you didn't laugh, (and if you don't know which image I am referring to then we are not friends), and hopefully I've even shard something new with you. I just (as in less than an hour ago... thank you, Brittany D.) heard about this website, smallsacrifice.org and their initiative called "Share Your Lunch Day". Share Your Lunch Day is taking place on January 16th and it's a perfect way to do something bigger than yourself (that requires very little on your part). OF COURSE you can do more if you are willing and able, but the concept is pretty cool. Instead of spending money ($7.50 to be exact) on our "whatevers" on January 16th (i.e.- Starbucks, breakfast, lunch, dinner, or drinks out) we'd take that money and donate it to help feed starving/malnourished children. Please check out the Share Your Lunch Day event on Facebook, or go directly to their website. If you are compelled to help right now, just go HERE and click the big gray button. I took this from the site... it about sums it all up, wouldn't you say?

smallsacrifice is a movement.  smallsacrifice is about a lot of people doing a little bit, resulting in a lot of change.  Some people feel powerless, like their small sacrifice can’t make a difference.  EVERY small sacrifice makes a difference, and when we come together we can change the world.

We are going to raise 1 million meals for hungry children, and we are going to do it in one day.

Feed My Starving Children is a Christian organization.  This shouldn’t prevent someone who isn’t a Christian from helping them feed kids.  Their mission is to love by saving lives and providing meals, through being action, not words.  If you’re not a Christian and are hesitant to donate because of the affiliation with God, please remember that they are saving children’s lives.  That is not a religious issue, it is a moral issue, and if you are reading this, you are probably not morally opposed to saving children’s lives.


1 comment:

  1. Mel, I am so glad you shared this link with us. I liked their facebook page and donated 10$. Doesn't it feel great to contribute 45 meals to those cute lil kiddos. I shared it with my friends so I hope they have a heart for starving kids as I have. Hope you feel better, sometimes we have those crappy days.

